Liferay’s Countries feature was migrated from being a Commerce feature to a DXP feature, thus Commerce’s Countries page was removed. Users that manage Countries will now be able to manage them through the Countries Management page under the Control Panel.
Release Notes
Content is no longer classified as translated solely upon the translation of its title. Now, when a user translates any field, not just the title, but also the content status changes to "Translating". It will only be considered translated when all fields have been translated.
To bolster permissions management and elevate user awareness concerning content, users will now be prompted to confirm permissions during the initial publishing or saving process, requiring an additional click. Subsequent saving or publishing actions will not require this confirmation.
The "Mine" filter now displays the creation date information instead of the modified date.
The "Recent" filter now displays the creation date information instead of the modified date.
A new SEO menu has been added in Instance Settings with an item selector to include specific Sites or all of them, in the sitemap of the Company through the Company's Virtual Host, and the default site cannot be deleted from the list. If the default site has a Virtual Host defined, it will not be added to the company's XML sitemap although listed in the configuration.
Users are currently presented with a group of features that are not relevant in the configuration page for Utility Pages. These non-applicable features have been removed while preserving the essential HTML Title, HTML Description, and SEO configuration elements.
After searching with a keyword and selecting facets, searching with a new keyword (in either using the header Search Bar or any Search Bar widget instance on a page) will clear all active facet selections.
The old behavior can be enabled via the Search Options widget by ticking Retain Facet Selections Across Searches option.
This affects any custom code using Liferay’s API methods User.getRemotePreference(String)
and User.getRemotePreferences()
The API supporting logic has to collect and hold cookies in User object, causing unnecessary CPU and memory overhead. These methods were just a convenient shortcut to get the user's current request's cookies with REMOTE_PREFERENCE_
name prefix. The same logic can be done by directly getting necessary cookies from request.
- What changed? Currently, the translatable object fields use the configured languageId from the user. With this change, it is going to use the preferred Locale given by the DTOConverterContext instead.
- Why was this change made? This change is needed in order to return the appropriate translatable object field values for the language setting in the Accept-Language header.
- Who is affected? Every user that calls the translatable object fields.
- How should I update my features or implementation to better adopt the breaking change? Adding or removing (depends on the cases) the Accept-Language header.
Previously our AB Testing feature supported multivariate testing. With the addition of multiple variants, the time to completion and the calculations required would increase exponentially. This caused many issues for our customers. As such we have decided to pare back this functionality to provide a higher quality experience for our users. Now our AB Testing feature only supports 1 variant, in addition to the control. This makes our feature truly an AB Test rather than a Multivariate Test. There is the possibility of re-enabling multivariate testing in the future, but that will depend on the needs from our customers.
We changed the default configuration such that if a Menu Display widget is placed on a Page Template, the default configuration for it will be "Pages Hierarchy" (unless there are no Pages at all on the Site). It will display as "Pages Hierarchy" even if Private Pages are enabled. If Private Pages are enabled, an alert will appear on the Page Template letting the user know that the Menu Display may appear different if the inherited page has the opposite privateLayout
value to the menu currently being rendered.
When a Page inherits this Page Template, the alert message does not display on the Page, and the Navigation Menu will be configured for either Public Pages Hierarchy or Private Pages Hierarchy depending on whether the page is public.
Current options in System Settings > Documents and Media > Cache Control are:
- Public
- Private
And Private is the default option.
From now on, we are adding a new option No Cache that will allow configure this option to “private, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
" and it will be used as default value, so it changes current default behavior:
With the upgrade of the client libraries, the minimum compatible Elasticsearch minor version shits to 7.17.x.
When the server is lower than the expected version, the DXP won't start-up, but fail with an error in the DXP console:
10-22 10:45:22.619 ERROR [main][ElasticsearchSearchEngine:375] Elasticsearch node es-node-1 does not meet the minimum version requirement of 7.17
The self bootstraping style *SearchRegistrar
has been changed to service collecting of ModelSearchConfigurator
Indexer registration code for custom entities has to be adjusted to become an OSGi service of type ModelSearchConfigurator
and to move all previous ModelSearchConfigurator
setter call parameter as corresponding ModelSearchConfigurator
getter return value.
This change was made in order to prevent fragment changes propagation when a user changes the cacheable option and then saves it. This was creating performance issues for some customers.
This change will benefit customers in terms of performance, as unnecessary propagations will no longer occur when the cacheable option is changed.
No changes are expected for customers' implementations. Just the awareness that this option is now somewhere else.
これらのアプリケーションサーバーはベンダーからのアップデートを受けれなくなったため、2024.Q3 以降からサポートが削除されます。
Wildfly 26.1 および Jboss EAP 7.4は引き続き完全にサポートされます。
Java JDK 17 および 21 Runtimeの新しいサポートにより、Java 11 は2024.Q3以降のDXPランタイムではサポートされなくなります。
Liferay Workspaceは、JDK 17 または 21でのカスタムモジュールの再コンパイルのサポートを提供します。
Liferay DXP 2024.Q2以降、ローカライズ可能なオブジェクトの入力フィールドのデフォルトがインスタンスの言語設定になりました。
この変更はなぜ行われたのでしょうか? 新しい動作はユーザーにとってより良いものなのでしょうか?
Liferay DXP 2024.Q2より前のバージョンを使用している、またはアップグレードしているお客様は、この変更の影響を受けます。
AMBackwardsCompatibilityHtmlContentTransformerクラスは、アダプティブ・メディアが実装される前に作成されたコンテンツを管理するために、アダプティブ・メディアのリリース(~7年前)で導入されました。 このアプローチによって、当時はコストのかかるアップグレードを避けることができました。 しかし、多くの時間が経過し、新しいコンテンツがこの処理を必要としなくなったため、AM後方互換HTMLコンテンツ変換器をデフォルトで無効にしています。
必要に応じて、インスタンス設定 > アダプティブ・メディア でコンテンツ・トランスファーを有効にできます。
Java JDK 17 および 21 への移行に伴い、DXPの java.locale.providers
以前は、JREがデフォルトのプロバイダであったため、DXPとPortalはJava 8と11の一貫したロケール動作を提供するために java.locale.providers=JRE,COMPAT,CLDR
の設定を推奨して配布されていました。 Java 17および21では、JREは非推奨となり、CLDRロケール・プロバイダがデフォルトおよび推奨プロバイダになりました。 Oracleからの 詳細情報 をご参照ください。
新しい推奨値は java.locale.providers=CLDR,COMPAT
で、これは新しいJVMのデフォルトです。 2024.Q4用のLiferay Tomcatバンドルは、デフォルトを使用しているため、このJVMプロパティが設定されていない状態で出荷されます。
このデフォルトプロバイダーの変更により、システム内の一部のロケール情報が変更された書式で表示される可能性があります。 例えば、日付と時刻の表示が、以前は「9/12/24 9:10 PM」と表示されていましたが、現在は「9/12/24, 9:10 PM」と表示されていることがあります。これは、最新の言語標準に対応した最新のJavaロケール・プロバイダに移行することで期待される結果です。
これは、BETA FF期間中のデータセットのための変更です。
の下で動作していますが、データセット・マネージャーやフロントエンド・データセットでは使用されていません。 この変更前に作成されたデータセットの情報は、データセットに保存されます。(例:http://localhost:8080/o/api?endpoint=http://localhost:8080/o/data-set-manager/data-sets/openapi.json)
詳細情報: LPD-29979
フラグメントからのJavascriptは、関数にコードを埋め込む代わりに、<script> of type moduleを使用してページに含まれるようになりました。なぜこの変更が行われたのですか?
javascriptモジュールで利用可能なすべての機能を活用すべく変更されました: JavaScript modules - JavaScript | MDN
例: import文を使う機能です。何が影響を受けますか?
モジュール型のタグ<script> で直接サポートされていないコード
関数のスコープ外のステートメントを返す。自動変数宣言, 例:
myVariable = 'value'
を使用するだけです。const myVariable = 'value'
一時的な回避策として(すぐに削除されると思われますが)、この機能にdisableを追加しました。 インスタンス設定 > ページフラグメント > フラグメントJavascript のチェックボックスを無効にしてください。
コレクションを追加するメソッドを変更し、作成時にERCを指定できるようにした。 これらのサービスを使用しているJavaコードをお持ちのお客様は、呼び出し時にERC(またはNull)を指定するように修正する必要があります。
2024.Q1のLPS-153839のDeveloper FFで導入されたDate Facetウィジェットの機能が、カスタムファセットに統合され、GAとして利用可能になりました。 日付ファセット・ウィジェットは使用できなくなりました。
What Changed?
Previously, some Modification Conflicts and all Modification Deletion conflicts required manual resolution. These cases would show up in the Checking Changes screen, requiring manual user action to be resolved. They are now automatically resolved by overwriting production with the changes made in the publication and won't be displayed in the Checking Changes screen.
Why Was This Change Made?
The previous behavior required users to manually address many types of conflicts, which was usually a time-consuming effort. The new behavior reduces the friction in the publishing process while guaranteeing publications’ users they will be able to publish the needed modifications.
Who Is Affected?
All publication users are affected, but the focus is on the ones responsible for solving the conflicts and publishing the content.
How Should I Update My Features or Implementation to Better Adopt the Breaking Change?
Consider that now Publications’s users have more power to overwrite production changes. If you understand that the end-user scenario still requires human verification in Modification Deletion cases, the previous behavior can be restored by using the Modification Deletion Conflicts Toggle on Instance Settings > Publications.
Tag filter widget used to sort tags in alphabetical order but it seems customers expect to see the tags with more uses first. We think this change make sense so we have modified the behavior for this widget.
The name of the reserved variable ID has always referred to the article ID so it has been changed to: Article ID. A new ID variable has been added that refers to the ID.
Tag values are now case-sensitive.
Sites are not browsable for non-admin users in Breadcrumb portlet when the site has Membership restricted or private.
The Default Layout permission was replaced with the current Group check.
Disable Group membership checking since it has no relationship to layout browsability.
All filtering in web content now only applies to the current folder. Previously, certain filters exhibited behavior limited to the current folder and now it has been standardized to all filters.
When we create a new Site the Allow Manual Membership Management option will be disabled by default to avoid uploading malicious files to the Documents and Media portlet.
Searching after filtering will clear all existing filters and give a search from the entire data set.
Solution introduces 2 breaking changes in the data model, because of a “limitation” in the root model assumptions
There were 2 relationships connecting
Data Set
andData Set Action
depending on the type of action. Now there is only onetype
field inData Set Action
object definition has changed. Now it stores the type of action (item, creation, bulk). The oldtype
now goes totarget
As a result, previously saved data set actions will not be manageable by DSM, neither fragment will find them.
In order to simplify the system processing of JSPs and improve performance, 2025.Q1 removes the optional configuration previously enabled by the property work.dir.override.enabled=true
. JSPs will now always remain within the OSGi bundles that deploys them. This feature was already disabled by default due to the performance cost.
The Collection Page has been removed from the page administrator. An upgrade path substitutes the Collection Pages for Content Pages with a collection display without any functional change.
What Changed?
The Out-of-date feature, which allows publications to be labeled as “Out-of-date“ and prevents Users from publishing their content, is now off by default.
Why Was This Change Made?
The users still wanted to be able to publish publications created before Liferay upgrades, and now the conflict management improvements make this possible and safe.
Who Is Affected?
Users who have upgraded or plan to upgrade Liferay while having ongoing publications.
How should I update my features or implementation to better adopt the breaking change?
If needed, this feature can be enabled/disabled through the toggle on Instance Settings > Schema Version Check Enabled, which is off by default.
According to the deprecation feature flag pattern definition, the feature flag has been moved under Instance Setting.
The two separate configuration menus in the widgets of content page has been merged into a single menu.
The filtering options for "With approved versions," "With scheduled versions," and "With expired versions” are now designated as "Approved," "Scheduled," and "Expired," respectively. Rather than filtering all web content with a given status, it now distinctly displays content or versions in the specified status.
From now on, the segments tab for the Administrator role will no longer be displayed in the assignees' tab. Assigning the Administrator role through segments is not allowed.
As mentioned in the new features section the following properties having been transformed in configurations, so they are no longer available in the properties files:
The guest role from the role selector was disabled since it is not possible for it to work. |
The configuration sections in Utility Pages are not enabled, as the other pages, due to their use being more restricted. The implementation of these settings should occur by analyzing each case.
Currently, when a user make a call to Batch in order to import any entity, the error returned has a different structure than a regular call to the Rest API. Specifically, the structure that is different is the one related to "failedItems" information.
With this change, users will have the same structured information no matter the endpoint they are using so matching errors and show it in the UI will be more simple.
The main change is:
Current structure:
"failedItems": [
{ "item": "{\"properties\": {\"field1\": 4, \"field2\": 5}}",
"itemIndex": 1,
"message": "com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.ModelListenerException: com.liferay.object.exception.ObjectValidationRuleEngineException: Field 1 must be greater than,Field 2 must be greater than 5" }
New structure:
"failedItems" : [ {
"item" : "{\"properties\": {\"field1\": 4, \"field2\": 5}}",
"itemIndex" : 1,
"message" : "[{\"objectFieldName\":\"field1\",\"errorMessage\":\"Field 1 must be greater than\"},{\"objectFieldName\":\"field2\",\"errorMessage\":\"Field 2 must be greater than 5\"}]"
When performing a GET
on text fields using the headless API and results in empty contents, the output returns ””
instead of being skipped. This change gives more flexibility to the users to decide what each user will do with the information.
Users should review all GET
requests on text fields to adapt to this change.
Java 17 or 21 is already required for Portal runtime since 2024.Q2 release, but the source code was still able to be compiled on Java 8. With the 2025.Q1 release, Java 17 or 21 will also be required for compile.
The |