Liferay’s Countries feature was migrated from being a Commerce feature to a DXP feature, thus Commerce’s Countries page was removed. Users that manage Countries will now be able to manage them through the Countries Management page under the Control Panel.
Release Notes
Content is no longer classified as translated solely upon the translation of its title. Now, when a user translates any field, not just the title, but also the content status changes to "Translating". It will only be considered translated when all fields have been translated.
To bolster permissions management and elevate user awareness concerning content, users will now be prompted to confirm permissions during the initial publishing or saving process, requiring an additional click. Subsequent saving or publishing actions will not require this confirmation.
The "Mine" filter now displays the creation date information instead of the modified date.
The "Recent" filter now displays the creation date information instead of the modified date.
A new SEO menu has been added in Instance Settings with an item selector to include specific Sites or all of them, in the sitemap of the Company through the Company's Virtual Host, and the default site cannot be deleted from the list. If the default site has a Virtual Host defined, it will not be added to the company's XML sitemap although listed in the configuration.
Users are currently presented with a group of features that are not relevant in the configuration page for Utility Pages. These non-applicable features have been removed while preserving the essential HTML Title, HTML Description, and SEO configuration elements.
After searching with a keyword and selecting facets, searching with a new keyword (in either using the header Search Bar or any Search Bar widget instance on a page) will clear all active facet selections.
The old behavior can be enabled via the Search Options widget by ticking Retain Facet Selections Across Searches option.
This affects any custom code using Liferay’s API methods User.getRemotePreference(String)
and User.getRemotePreferences()
The API supporting logic has to collect and hold cookies in User object, causing unnecessary CPU and memory overhead. These methods were just a convenient shortcut to get the user's current request's cookies with REMOTE_PREFERENCE_
name prefix. The same logic can be done by directly getting necessary cookies from request.
- What changed? Currently, the translatable object fields use the configured languageId from the user. With this change, it is going to use the preferred Locale given by the DTOConverterContext instead.
- Why was this change made? This change is needed in order to return the appropriate translatable object field values for the language setting in the Accept-Language header.
- Who is affected? Every user that calls the translatable object fields.
- How should I update my features or implementation to better adopt the breaking change? Adding or removing (depends on the cases) the Accept-Language header.
Previously our AB Testing feature supported multivariate testing. With the addition of multiple variants, the time to completion and the calculations required would increase exponentially. This caused many issues for our customers. As such we have decided to pare back this functionality to provide a higher quality experience for our users. Now our AB Testing feature only supports 1 variant, in addition to the control. This makes our feature truly an AB Test rather than a Multivariate Test. There is the possibility of re-enabling multivariate testing in the future, but that will depend on the needs from our customers.
We changed the default configuration such that if a Menu Display widget is placed on a Page Template, the default configuration for it will be "Pages Hierarchy" (unless there are no Pages at all on the Site). It will display as "Pages Hierarchy" even if Private Pages are enabled. If Private Pages are enabled, an alert will appear on the Page Template letting the user know that the Menu Display may appear different if the inherited page has the opposite privateLayout
value to the menu currently being rendered.
When a Page inherits this Page Template, the alert message does not display on the Page, and the Navigation Menu will be configured for either Public Pages Hierarchy or Private Pages Hierarchy depending on whether the page is public.
Current options in System Settings > Documents and Media > Cache Control are:
- Public
- Private
And Private is the default option.
From now on, we are adding a new option No Cache that will allow configure this option to “private, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
" and it will be used as default value, so it changes current default behavior:
With the upgrade of the client libraries, the minimum compatible Elasticsearch minor version shits to 7.17.x.
When the server is lower than the expected version, the DXP won't start-up, but fail with an error in the DXP console:
10-22 10:45:22.619 ERROR [main][ElasticsearchSearchEngine:375] Elasticsearch node es-node-1 does not meet the minimum version requirement of 7.17
The self bootstraping style *SearchRegistrar
has been changed to service collecting of ModelSearchConfigurator
Indexer registration code for custom entities has to be adjusted to become an OSGi service of type ModelSearchConfigurator
and to move all previous ModelSearchConfigurator
setter call parameter as corresponding ModelSearchConfigurator
getter return value.
This change was made in order to prevent fragment changes propagation when a user changes the cacheable option and then saves it. This was creating performance issues for some customers.
This change will benefit customers in terms of performance, as unnecessary propagations will no longer occur when the cacheable option is changed.
No changes are expected for customers' implementations. Just the awareness that this option is now somewhere else.
これらのアプリケーションサーバーはベンダーからのアップデートを受けれなくなったため、2024.Q3 以降からサポートが削除されます。
Wildfly 26.1 および Jboss EAP 7.4は引き続き完全にサポートされます。
Java JDK 17 および 21 Runtimeの新しいサポートにより、Java 11 は2024.Q3以降のDXPランタイムではサポートされなくなります。
Liferay Workspaceは、JDK 17 または 21でのカスタムモジュールの再コンパイルのサポートを提供します。
Liferay DXP 2024.Q2以降、ローカライズ可能なオブジェクトの入力フィールドのデフォルトがインスタンスの言語設定になりました。
この変更はなぜ行われたのでしょうか? 新しい動作はユーザーにとってより良いものなのでしょうか?
Liferay DXP 2024.Q2より前のバージョンを使用している、またはアップグレードしているお客様は、この変更の影響を受けます。
AMBackwardsCompatibilityHtmlContentTransformerクラスは、アダプティブ・メディアが実装される前に作成されたコンテンツを管理するために、アダプティブ・メディアのリリース(~7年前)で導入されました。 このアプローチによって、当時はコストのかかるアップグレードを避けることができました。 しかし、多くの時間が経過し、新しいコンテンツがこの処理を必要としなくなったため、AM後方互換HTMLコンテンツ変換器をデフォルトで無効にしています。
必要に応じて、インスタンス設定 > アダプティブ・メディア でコンテンツ・トランスファーを有効にできます。