Release Notes
このアップデートにより、コンテンツ制作者やマーケティング担当者は、訪問者の行動を追跡し、パフォーマンスの高いコンテンツを特定し、最大の効果を得るためにコンテンツ戦略を最適化できるようになります。 アセットレベルの指標を分析することで、企業はデータ主導の意思決定を行い、ユーザーエンゲージメントを向上させ、ビジネスの成長を促進することができます。
ページエディター内でマルチステップ フォームを作成できる新機能をご紹介します。
- 簡単な変換: ステッパーフラグメントを追加することで、既存のフォームを簡単にマルチステップフォームに変換できます。
- 柔軟なステップ管理: フォームを複数のステップに整理し、ステップ間で入力を簡単に移動できます。
- 直感的なナビゲーション: ステップメニューやフォームボタンを使って、ステップ間を移動することができます。
- カスタマイズ可能なボタン: フォームボタンを「次へ」「前へ」「送信」ボタンとして機能するように設定し、シームレスなユーザーエクスペリエンスを提供します。
新しい日付の範囲と範囲の集約タイプは、Web コンテンツストラクチャーとオブジェクトを含むLiferayアセットの強力な検索機能を解き放ちます。
- グループとフィルタリングの結果: 特定の日付または数値範囲に基づいて動的な検索フィルタを作成します。
- ユーザーエクスペリエンスのカスタマイズ: 事前に定義された範囲またはカスタム入力フィールドを使用して、柔軟な検索オプションを提供します。
- データを効果的に可視化: すぐに使える表示テンプレートを活用して、シームレスなユーザーインターフェースを実現します。
このアップデートにより、プロセスビルダーの定義の透明性と説明責任が強化されます。 変更日とユーザー情報を追跡することで、変更を簡単に特定し、問題をトラブルシューティングし、コンプライアンスを確保することができます。このバージョン履歴の改善により、プロセスを効果的に管理し、十分な情報に基づいた意思決定を行うことができます。
The new Multishipping feature lets customers ship items from a single order to multiple addresses during checkout. Whether customers are sending gifts to different recipients or shipping products to various locations, the Multishipping feature offers a seamless and flexible shopping experience. Site administrators can enable this feature, and customers can easily manage shipments to different addresses within their order details.
The Centralized Products Eligibility and Configuration Management feature empowers catalog managers to efficiently manage individual products through multiple configuration pages containing all catalog’s products. With tools for manual configuration, eligibility-based visibility, and some bulk editing, this feature ensures streamlined operations and enhanced control over product offerings. Additionally, it enables faster and smarter management of product eligibility for channels, order types and accounts.
Official release of Liferay Data Sets, moving from Beta to Release! Data Sets are a powerful and flexible way to retrieve, manage, visualize, and interact with structured data in Liferay DXP. Built on top of Objects and leveraging Liferay’s robust ecosystem, Data Sets exemplify the “build Liferay with Liferay” philosophy. With seamless integration with compatible Headless APIs, administrators can easily configure Data Sets and empower end-users with a rich, customizable experience for consuming and interacting with data.
Key benefits:
Retrieve Data: Fetch information from any compatible Headless API to use as a Data Set source.
Manage Flexibility: Administrators can customize what parts of the API response are included, along with filters, sorting options, and available actions.
Visualize Data: Multiple visualization options make it easier than ever for end-users to consume data meaningfully.
Enable Interaction: End-users can interact dynamically with data using the filters, actions, and tools configured by administrators.
This release introduces in-context translation for text-based form fields (Text, Rich Text, and Textarea) directly within the page editor. This empowers content creators to easily create localized form experiences for their users, enabling them to complete forms in their preferred language. Only designated localizable form fields will be translated, ensuring precise control over localized content.
Liferay Labs is an innovation hub within Liferay Marketplace dedicated to exploring newer technologies and developing experimental features. It provides a wide range of useful applications developed by Liferay staff. Liferay Labs serves as a platform for rapid prototyping and testing new ideas. These apps may often be integrated as future Liferay features.
All apps offered by Liferay Labs are free but without support, but users can provide feedback on apps containing beta features as it helps in improving them for a future release.
The data migration center makes it easy for you to move your object definitions and object entries between Liferay installations.
With our latest enhancements, Content Admins will enjoy effortless content organization, regardless of folder structures, along with enhanced filtering capabilities for precision content management discovery.
We are excited to introduce the Plan & Usage Page Feature for Liferay PaaS Cloud Console. This feature provides a comprehensive view of your subscription, including real-time resource usage information across all your different environments.
You can use Liferay’s organization management chart to view, manage, and search through organizations, associated accounts, and users.
Using Liferay’s new payment management application you can view online payments in detail and create refunds on them.
With the ability to track exit pages, you'll gain invaluable insights into where your users go after interacting with your pages. Also, measuring the effectiveness of collections in delivering relevant assets is easier now.