ユーザーは、URLセパレータを更新しながら、さまざまなアセットタイプのフレンドリーなURLを簡単に設定できます。 さらに、ブログのフレンドリーなURL内でカテゴリーを選択し、並べ替えることができるため、ユーザーはURLによって、訪問しているページのメイントピックが何であるかを簡単に識別することができます。
Release Notes
ユーザーは、URLセパレータを更新しながら、さまざまなアセットタイプのフレンドリーなURLを簡単に設定できます。 さらに、ブログのフレンドリーなURL内でカテゴリーを選択し、並べ替えることができるため、ユーザーはURLによって、訪問しているページのメイントピックが何であるかを簡単に識別することができます。
Wiki機能は非推奨であり、将来的に削除される予定です。Wikiとその関連ウィジェットは現在、非推奨フラグ LPD-35013 の対象です。データの継続性を確保するため、Liferay ObjectsやWebコンテンツなどの代替コンテンツ管理ソリューションへの移行をお勧めします。
掲示板機能は非推奨となっており、将来的に削除される予定です。データの継続性を確保するため、Liferay ObjectsやWebコンテンツなどの代替コンテンツ管理ソリューションへの移行をお勧めします。
Shared with Me ウィジェットは非推奨であり、将来的に削除される予定です。
将来のリリースでは、DXPは最新のEnterprise Java APIであるJakarta EE 10に移行する予定です。JavaEEの非推奨化を発表することで、2025年に予定されているこの重大なブレークチェンジに備える時間を確保します。
Jakarta EEへの移行が必要です:
Jakarta EE 10への移行とClient Extensionsの拡張を控え、DXPは新世代のカスタマイズオプションに注目しています。
JavaServer Faces (JSF)のLiferay Facesサポートは廃止されます。
Jakarta EE 10への移行とClient Extensionsの拡張を控え、DXPは新世代のカスタマイズオプションに注目しています。 PortletMVC4Springは廃止予定です。
機能フラグ LPD-36010 によって制御されます。
Liferay Theme generatorは非推奨となっており、将来的に削除される予定です。テーマの生成には、テーマのクライアント拡張またはサードパーティのツールを使用することをお勧めします。
Liferay Theme tasksは非推奨となり、将来削除される予定です。この機能はGulp 4に基づいており、Gulp 4も非推奨となっています。お客様はサードパーティのツールで代用することが推奨されます。
AMDローダーは非推奨であり、将来的に削除される予定です。Liferay DXPはJavaScriptの公式標準モジュールシステムであるESMを公式にサポートしていますが、AMDはサードパーティのソリューションでした。
Liferay Talend コンポーネント機能は非推奨であり、将来的に削除される予定です。
最も多く閲覧されたアセットのコレクションプロバイダーの機能は非推奨され、より高度なAnalytics Cloudのコンテンツトラッキングを考慮して将来的に削除される予定です。
ページ内のウィジェットのスコープ (ページ、サイト、またはグローバル) は非推奨になっており、将来削除される予定です。
可用性: AIアシスタントは、マーケットプレイスで簡単にアクセスできるクラウドベースのアプリケーションであるため、既存のデジタル・エコシステムへの統合が容易です。そのクラウド・インフラストラクチャは信頼性の高いパフォーマンスとスケーラビリティを保証し、ユーザーに一貫したシームレスなアクセスを提供します。
Jakarta EEへの移行を控えているため、Jakarta EE 10に対応した新バージョンのリリースに備え、アプリケーションサーバーの現行バージョンをすべて非推奨としています。これは大きな変更であるため、新しいアプリサーバーのバージョンは古いバージョンに取って代わります。
Apache Tomcat 9
Wildfly 26.1
Jboss EAP 7.4
Weblogic 14
Apache Tomcat 10.1
Wildfly 30
Jboss EAP 8.0
Weblogic 15 (Oracle社のリリース待ち)
We have implemented a new translation status feature in the web content editor, labeled "Translating," which provides information about the number of translated fields and those still requiring translation. This feature helps users to quickly identify areas needing translation. Additionally, all translatable fields, including metadata, are now conveniently displayed on the left side of the screen, reducing the likelihood of overlooking them.
Users can readily spot content that is not visible to Guest users through an icon, whether it's in list or table view or within the web content editor. Additionally, this feature is accessible in the item selector, empowering users to discern which content is not viewable by Guest users.
You can now have access to the event’s details when selecting a calendar event and be redirected to the already existing details page of that particular event. It is also possible to map a Calendar Event’s specific URL, along with some other fields, in order to use it in emails so the recipient can click on it and be redirected to the Event’s details.
Now it is possible to easily identify the content you have created and any recent content you generated. This enhancement streamlines and optimizes this workflow.
Easily configure the friendly URLs for the different asset types, updating URL separators. In addition to that, now users are able to set categories within a blog’s friendly URL and easily identify by the URL what is the main topic of the page they are visiting.
This feature aims to refine the Analytics Cloud Usage Page. Alongside UI enhancements for a better user experience, we focused on enhancing data accuracy and real-time precision. Our efforts aimed to eliminate data discrepancies and prioritize transparency for the users.
Key Changes:
To promote pricing transparency, we removed the outdated prices from the Workspace settings and implemented a clear message prompting users to reach out to their Customer Success Manager for information on upgrading their plan.
Aiming to simplify the interface and highlight pertinent subscription details, some changes were made to the UI of the Subscription and Usage menu, focusing on displaying relevant information to the customer related to their current plan.
We're introducing advanced script loading options for JavaScript Client Extensions in Liferay, providing developers more control over how JavaScript is applied to pages. This update allows the specification of async
and defer
attributes directly in the extension's configuration, optimizing the loading process and improving page performance.
Benefits for users:
or defer
attributes, scripts can be loaded non-blocking, enhancing page responsiveness.Allow developers to specify additional attributes to the <script>
tag when deploying in with the JS Client Extension.
Example usage in client-extension.yaml
: liferay-portal/workspaces/liferay-sample-workspace/client-extensions/liferay-sample-global-js-2/client-extension.yaml at master · liferay/liferay-portal
async: true
data-attribute: "value"
data-senna-track: "permanent"
fetchpriority: "low"
Or, developers can configure the attributes via the create Client Extension UI too:
When configuring a JS CX on a page and async/defer
Boolean attributes are present in the CX (set in the yaml / defined through the UI), the following behaviors apply in regards to the Load type options:
will be applied.async
or defer
is set to false in the CS, the related option will be removed from the Load selector. (e.g. if defer: false
the load options available for the user will be default
and async
This feature introduces the capability to connect Liferay Objects with SugarCRM Objects, empowering users to synchronize and store their data efficiently between the two platforms. By bridging these systems, users can streamline their workflows, enhance data consistency, and leverage the robust features of both Liferay and SugarCRM.
Users can now, with low effort, connect their Liferay and SugarCRM environments, eliminating the need for manual data transfers and reducing the risk of errors. This enhancement not only simplifies data management but also enhances the overall user experience by providing a cohesive and integrated ecosystem for managing customer data.
We have improved the behaviour of an existing configuration to be able to properly publish a child page in a Staging process to Live site without its parent(s). This also improves the performance of publishing changes.
It is now possible to select Date Times as a product option type, configuring purchase options for products based on date, times, time zones, and durations, allowing for the sale of time slots.
Manage contacts directly related to accounts like phone numbers, emails, websites, addresses.
A new Contact Tab in Account details page with 2 internals tabs was created:
Users with “Accounts > Account Entry: Manage Addresses” permission should be able to manage their contacts with all these actions:
Example of managing a phone number:
Users without “Accounts > Account Entry: Manage Addresses” permission should be able to only view the existing phone number entries.
The Server Administration interface provides powerful tools for controlling the server. As an added layer of security, CAPTCHA is now required for actions in Server Administration pages and the Gogo Shell page. Due to the sensitive nature of these controls, the system will still enforce CAPTCHA on these pages, even if the “Maximum Challenges” configuration is set to a negative number.
To create Sign In, Forgot Password, and Create Account utility pages, it's necessary for these three views of the Login portlet (i.e., Sign In widget) to be available as individual widgets, which can be placed on pages separately. As a result, Sign In, Forgot Password, and Create Account are now accessible as separate widgets.
It's worth noting that the Sign In widget retains its previous functionality.
We aimed to facilitate seamless navigation between various Utility pages, whether there are multiple or just one.
It allows users to map fields on the first level of related elements or any hierarchical structure through a tree view which is searchable and expandable.
In addition, it is possible to map leaf fields, the common use case, but also parent fields which include all the children data to be rendered through a Client Extension.
Until now the Data Set was always rendered as a table with one column for each mapped field. From now on, the admin user can define up to three different visualization modes for the same data: Table, List and Cards.
These visualization modes share the configurations about: filters, actions, sorting and pagination. However, each visualization mode can have different mapped fields decided by the admin users.
Also, a new Settings tab to select the default mode has been added.
Final users will be able to view the visualization modes created by Admin Users and they will be able to change between them to discover the data in the way they want.
The Data Set for actions has been improved to provide new capabilities to the users:
The autocomplete
attribute grants the user agent permission to provide automated assistance in filling out form fields. This feature can significantly speed up the form-filling process, especially for repetitive or standard information like names, addresses, and email addresses. This also allows screen readers which use standard attributes such as autocomplete
to assist users navigating websites.
Incorporating the HTML autocomplete
attribute into your forms is a simple yet powerful way to enhance user experience. By leveraging autocomplete suggestions, you can streamline the form-filling process, reduce errors, and ultimately create a more user-friendly environment. Experiment with different values, test across browsers, and watch as your users appreciate the improved efficiency of your forms.
When publications go out of date, they are completely useless and all changes made to them can not be leveraged in any capacity. The changes in this feature allow publications users to move changes from an out of date publication to another publication. This allows users to salvage changes after an upgrade.
This feature prevents portal from being unusable when a change-tracked entity being modified in a publication is removed from production. If an entity is being modified in a publication, it cannot be removed from production. If a deleted entity in a publication is being modified in another publication, the publication with the deletion cannot be published.