The allowable size of an Account Name has been increased to 250 characters in line with industry standards.
Release Notes
Enables the ability to add new remote shipping calculations via client extension.
Ability to add new steps to the checkout process via client extension.
We continue to improve the API Builder by adding new endpoints: GET single element. With the GET single element new endpoint, we allow users to create a GET endpoint that only retrieves a single element using a path parameter.
One particular thing is that users can select as a path parameter any unique custom field defined in the object apart from ID and External Reference Code.
New POST endpoint inside API Builder to add the possibility not only of recovering information of the entries but also of creating them.
As in the GET methods, users can define the schema to use for the request and the response. Both can be the same or two different ones. And can even be one already used previously on another endpoint definition.
Company and Site scope is available too.
The POST method only works for creating new entries of the main object . No entries for the related objects can be created yet at the same time.
We have introduced a configuration feature within the Asset Library, enabling users to decide whether a Vocabulary created there is solely required at the Asset Library level or if it extends to the connected Sites as well.
We have introduced case-sensitive tagging for page creators, allowing tags to be saved and displayed exactly as created, whether in uppercase or lowercase. The feature ensures case sensitivity for tag creation, case-insensitive searching, and autocomplete, while maintaining backward compatibility for existing tags.
Users now have the ability to restrict channel access to certain Accounts via the eligibility tab on the channel admin pages. The ability to restrict certain Account Addresses to be used on certain channels has also been added. This is managed via an Eligibility tab on the address that allows the user set channel usage.
With this development, the publication of Knowledge Base articles will be schedulable, in particular, the feature is so designed:
The primary Publish button will have an arrow down with the “Publish” option, that will immediately publish the article, and the “Schedule” one.
Clicking the Schedule option, will make a modal appear so the user can set a date and time for the article to be published.
The Scheduled article will have the SCHEDULED status that will change to APPROVED on the scheduled date
A tooltip with the scheduled date information will appear when hovering the
icon placed next to the SCHEDULED state.
Editing a scheduled article will provide the user the ability, by clicking the primary button that has turned into “Scheduled”, to:
Cancel the operation
Publish Now
Schedule: this option will save the article, date & time changes and the user will return to the previous screen before entering edit mode
Additional feature: A Knowledge Base article deletion action will move it to the Recycle Bin so that it can be restored.
Now user are able to:
Configuration of document size for copying in D&M
Bulk copying of documents and folders
Currently the copy action for documents and folders is able to be performed in Portal without fully respecting the site-asset library relationship. The expected behavior is:
An asset library must be connected to a site in order to copy a document over to the site
A document cannot be copied from a site to an asset library (only the other way around)
We can enforce a stricter check when performing the copy action between asset libraries and sites. Instead of the end user receiving a success message when copying a document to a disconnected site, an error message should appear telling the user to set the connection first.
Document Types contained in a document are being copied in Documents and Media so that they can be easily reused.
Categories and Tags in Documents and Media are being automatically copied so they can be easily reused on a new site.
Users are now able to properly search in the portal using the Search widget (in applications that have data restricted by account).
This feature allows you to leverage the functions of Liferay’s caching framework. Our current measurements indicate about 10%/30% performance increase in database writing operations, also 10 times faster reading performance!
To reduce the maintenance costs of providing a full document’s preview, the following changes are being introduced:
“No preview available” state when the file size exceeds the preview size limit.
Merge “File Entries” and “PDF Preview” settings under “File Preview Limits”
Rename "File Size Limits" to "File Upload Limits" with a reviewed and more understandable Description copy
The user is being informed that the generated preview may not correspond to the entire document
This development introduces the ability for the user to set the file size at asset library’s level. This settings will override the already existing one at System level when the latter is bigger. As a general rule, when both are set the lowest applies.
Users can add validations to verify field values that, when used in combination, are unique.
Limitation: numeric fields such as Integer, Long Integer, Decimal, Precision Decimal will be stored as null.
The user experience of the Management Toolbar present in multiple applications (Web Content, Blogs, Documents & Media) has been improved:
- Separate sections for filter and order.
- Changed “+” with “New” for clarity.
- Moved info icon to the right.
Validate relationships to prevent duplicate names in child objects.
Elasticsearch 8.17 がテストされ、互換性マトリックスに追加されました。
Liferay Self-Hostedのデプロイメントでは、Elasticスタックをこのバージョンにアップデートできます。Liferay PaaS プロジェクトの場合、新しいElasticsearchイメージが通常通りLiferay CloudのDocker Hub アカウントで提供されます。
2024.Q3のリリースノートで最初に強調されたように、Elasticの製品ライフサイクルに従って、Elasticsearch 7.17.xバージョンはElasticsearchバージョン9がリリースされるまでサポートされ、保守されます。
Elasticsearch 9.0.0は、2025年初頭にリリースされる予定です。
Elasticsearch 8との互換性はLiferay DXP 7.4 U81+で利用可能です: Operating Liferay 7.4 GA/Update 81+ with Elasticsearch 8 - Liferay.
注意: Elasticsearch 8.xとの互換性は、バンドルされているElasticsearch 7コネクタとElasticsearch 8のREST APIの互換性によって提供されます。
- お知らせ
- Webコンテンツ表示
- カテゴリーフィルター
- 質問
ユーザーは、ヘッドレスAPI (キーワード) を通じてタグのERCを使用してCRUD操作を実行できるようになりました。
ユーザーは、ヘッドレスAPI (TaxonomyCategory) を通じてカテゴリーのERCを使用してCRUD操作を実行できるようになりました。
ヘッドレスAPI (DocumentDataDefinitionType)を使用して、ユーザーがドキュメントタイプを追加、削除、取得できるようになりました。
ヘッドレスAPI (DocumentMetadataSet)を使用して、ドキュメントのメタデータセットを追加、削除、取得できるようになりました。