Traditionally in Liferay, it has been hard to manage features deprecation because customers kept using the old features even if we announced deprecation and eventual replacements.
Now, we are able to better manage deprecation processes with the following changes:
- Features deprecation notice is increased from 6 months to 12 months. It applies to the Intended Functionality, as described in our Support Policy.
- Now, deprecated features might be kept inside a Deprecation Feature Flag during the deprecation period. These feature flags work as follows:
- For upgrades, Deprecation Flags are active by default, therefore customers still see the deprecated feature. No disruption is perceived.
- For new instances created, Deprecation Flag is inactive by default, therefore, the deprecated feature is hidden and it requires activation to be used. It prevents users from unconsciously using a deprecated feature.
Deprecated features are identified in DXP with a new deprecation badge.