Data Sets now offer even greater customization power. Admins can directly add manual query parameters to the endpoint URL, enabling fine-grained control over data retrieval.
This flexibility allows you to:
- Filter Data: Apply specific filters to narrow down the results
- Select Fields: Choose the exact fields you want to retrieve
- Flatten Responses: Simplify complex data structures
- Search for Specific Terms: Find relevant information quickly
By tailoring the endpoint response, admins can provide a more curated and user-friendly experience for end-users.
Behind the Scenes:
The platform seamlessly reconciles these manual parameters with those generated by:
- Admin Configuration: Fields and Actions tab settings
- End-User Interactions: Filter and sort options selected in the UI
This ensures a consistent and efficient data retrieval process.

On top of that, admin users can also add or map fields manually to be displayed in the Data Set, so they will be able to bring the information back for those endpoints that don’t have the fields properly typed in the response.