Feature Status Change
With the expansion of Objects functionality, Custom Fields are going into maintenance.
Release Notes
Feature Status Change
With the expansion of Objects functionality, Custom Fields are going into maintenance.
Feature Status Change
Deprecating the filter for lastLoginDate on the Headless Admin API because it negatively impacts search performance.
Controlled by feature flag LPD-36010.
New true/false filter hasLoginDate can be used to efficiently check if a user has already logged in to their account at least once.
Feature Status Change
The Liferay Theme generator is being deprecated and it will be removed in the future. Customers are encouraged to use Theme Client Extensions or third-party tooling to generate themes.
Feature Status Change
The Liferay Theme tasks are being deprecated and they will be removed in the future. The feature is based in Gulp 4 which is also deprecated. Customers are encouraged to use third party tooling to substitute it.