The allowable size of an Account Name has been increased to 250 characters in line with industry standards.
Release Notes
We have introduced case-sensitive tagging for page creators, allowing tags to be saved and displayed exactly as created, whether in uppercase or lowercase. The feature ensures case sensitivity for tag creation, case-insensitive searching, and autocomplete, while maintaining backward compatibility for existing tags.
Users now have the ability to restrict channel access to certain Accounts via the eligibility tab on the channel admin pages. The ability to restrict certain Account Addresses to be used on certain channels has also been added. This is managed via an Eligibility tab on the address that allows the user set channel usage.
Enables the ability to add new remote shipping calculations via client extension.
Ability to add new steps to the checkout process via client extension.
This release expands the support of the Timeline History feature to Blogs, Wiki pages, Bookmarks, Forms, Knowledge base, Message boards, and Categories. The feature enhances the publication toolbar with tools to detect and manage collaboration conflicts.
A timeline icon shows recent modifications in the same asset, which may have been done in production or parallel Publications.
The user can view, discard, or move these changes directly from the toolbar.
Warning icons appear to make users aware of current conflicts in the Publication.
Key benefits:
Enhanced context for content editors and managers for a streamlined collaboration.
New capabilities to detect conflicts before publishing time, while users may have more time to decide how to resolve conflicts without the go-live pressure.
Boost Liferay’s platform with drag-and-drop, multi-selection, and cut/copy/paste features for easier field and fragment organization.
Fine adjustments in the User Experience when managing page components through in bulk multiselection
In order to make it easier to manage and override portal language translations, modules have a new configuration that allows language keys to be defined specifically for a single module. This also allows the user to override a system-wide language key programmatically within the module. An existing feature allows modules to use the Language Resources header ( A new variable was added within this header, |