The new Multishipping feature lets customers ship items from a single order to multiple addresses during checkout. Whether customers are sending gifts to different recipients or shipping products to various locations, the Multishipping feature offers a seamless and flexible shopping experience. Site administrators can enable this feature, and customers can easily manage shipments to different addresses within their order details.
Release Notes
Official release of Liferay Data Sets, moving from Beta to Release! Data Sets are a powerful and flexible way to retrieve, manage, visualize, and interact with structured data in Liferay DXP. Built on top of Objects and leveraging Liferay’s robust ecosystem, Data Sets exemplify the “build Liferay with Liferay” philosophy. With seamless integration with compatible Headless APIs, administrators can easily configure Data Sets and empower end-users with a rich, customizable experience for consuming and interacting with data.
Key benefits:
Retrieve Data: Fetch information from any compatible Headless API to use as a Data Set source.
Manage Flexibility: Administrators can customize what parts of the API response are included, along with filters, sorting options, and available actions.
Visualize Data: Multiple visualization options make it easier than ever for end-users to consume data meaningfully.
Enable Interaction: End-users can interact dynamically with data using the filters, actions, and tools configured by administrators.